Fitness Regime Expertise 101 Wimbledon – Strong Nation Fitness classes, tuition, private lessons Wimbledon fitness. Paul Sandwell Fitness Instructor classes and private lessons in Strong Nation HIIT, Circl Mobility and Zumba.
Energy Systems Maximisation. There are two main metabolic energy systems which our bodies use to stimulate and support muscle function. These are known as Aerobic and Anaerobic metabolism.
Aerobic exercise is oxygen based and signifies a steady state or continuous of exercise intensity where the exerciser does not have to stop and recover but can carry on. Oxygen in Aerobic activity is used by the muscles to sustain the effort for the course of the exercise session. When we say aerobic activities we include aerobic classes, cycling, running and any group based exercise class. Aerobic based cardio classes such as those run by Wimbledon School of Freestyle, Ballroom and Fitness raise the heart rate to approximately 60 to 85% of maximum heart rate. For a person who is very fit this will be low to moderate and slightly above moderate. In such sessions the exerciser should be able to maintain their activity whilst still being able to talk if needed.

Anaerobic is where the activity exceeds the intensity level of the body which means it cannot metabolise oxygen fast enough. The body will then automatically change to an Anaerobic metabolism state. Anaerobic means without oxygen. In effect the body is not able to convert energy fast enough and the heart rate will soar and breathing becomes harder. When exercisers go above the 85% of maximum heart rate they will reach a stage where they will need to slow down. Once they have re-oxygenated their bodies they will be able to carry on. This is called Active Recovery. Types of Wimbledon School of Freestyle, Ballroom, Fitness and Zumba Anaerobic training include interval training, high intensity resistance training, intermittent training, HIIT (high Intensity Interval Training). The great intensities of such exercises can last from 10 to 35 seconds for up to two minutes accompanied with periods of lower intensity lasting 30 to 60 seconds.
Intensity and duration have a direct relationship. The harder the intensity, the shorter the duration an exerciser can carry on for. The determining factor is how long intensity can be continue is the exercisers fitness level. Those super fit can exercise in high ranges of Aerobic metabolism and continue at 80-85% for a considerable time. The less fit person will have to work at a lower level of body function until they slowly improve their fitness levels. It should be understood that Aerobic and Anaerobic functions are not an either/or. Both systems interchange with each other and operate at the same time.

These are normally a characteristic of Wimbledon School of Freestyle, Ballroom and Fitness HIIT classes which are High Intensity Interval Training sessions. The interval type activities can vary in intensity from ‘bumps in the road’ and ‘rolling hills’ at lower rates of intensity to ‘peaks and valleys’. Benefits of HIIT classes are: 1) increases the muscular metabolism of burning energy in the mitochondria 2) Cardio vascular improvement in terms of left ventricle heart mass, Maximum Vo2, contractility of heart, improved stroke volume of heart.
Research results show that HIIT sessions have the ability to cause a higher calorie burn and subsequent EPOC or calorie afterburn, increase health benefits, improve physiological training response. Metabolic Training is a fundamental aspect of HIIT classes creating a higher calorific burn for the whole session. After the session at Wimbledon School of Freestyle, Ballroom, Fitness and Zumba is finished the body keeps on burning calories as part of EPOC. Cardio strength and muscular vitality can be improved quickly and efficiently so that exercisers can achieve maximum personal fitness. The body adapts so that the lactic threshold beyond which a person cannot keep up the same pace of exercise rises. This leads to a perception of the individual that they need to exercise harder.
Studies have shown that obesity, overweightness and weight loss can be dealt with by HIIT classes. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has become a useful strategy to create a number of metabolic adaptations and change body composition. Recent evidence shows that HIIT can be a time-efficient method to promote health in sedentary overweight/obese individuals. Also astonishingly research suggests that short periods of HIIT exercise can create an immediate change in their DNA which can be measured. Also has been found that middle aged people living a sedentary lifestyle who exercised for a month were shown to improve their blood sugar regulation and insulin sensitivity. Type 2 Diabetes patients after only one exercise class saw enhanced blood sugar regulation after 24 hours. Hit Interval Training enhances muscular and cardiovascular limits. We welcome everyone at Wimbledon School of Freestyle, Ballroom and Fitness and we are here to help you all become fitter and healthier. I have taught people with partial lung cancer, deafness, ADHD, dyspraxia, autism, heart defects, dyslexia, stomas and more. Weight loss at Wimbledon.
Class members at Wimbledon School of Freestyle, Ballroom, Fitness and Zumba have the teacher to educate them about intensity and body mechanics. They should be told at peak of exercise interval training it is okay to be breathless and this is normal. An essential element of HIIT training is to overload the body i.e. neurosensory, muscular and cardio systems. Active recovery makes such sessions possible. Following Warm Up, breathing will be first natural to breathy followed by rolling hills style intervals with the participant feeling breath most of the time. Peak and Valley style intervals reaching towards maximum capacity and cardiovascular volume efficiency will see breathing range from breathy to out-of-breath or breathless. Normally Wimbledon School of Freestyle, Ballroom and Fitness HIIT classes have a post-cardio exercising section on the floor which could be described as smaller rolling hills. Cool down will return the body to a normal everyday normal life state. The body will also need to recharge in regular intervals.
When we use bodyweight training fitness techniques we are using the body to resist gravity with no need to add external weights like medicine balls, kettle bells, ropes, resistant bands, dumbells, sandbags and other strength training equipment. There are many fitness exercises that can be used here which include push-ups, triceps dips, planks, lunges, ab curls, bridges, planks etc. Joint integrity, body mobility, stability, joint efficiency, neuromuscular stability, endurance and more can be improved. Bodyweight training increases metabolic burn and high calorie burn. The key word for bodyweight training is gravity which we teach at Wimbledon School of Freestyle, Ballroom, Fitness and Zumba related exercise. The core is a very important part of bodyweight training. Core engagement is vital. The lower body in particular can be impacted by bridges, planks, lunges, squats. The aim of Wimbledon School of Freestyle, Ballroom and Fitness is to target different muscle groups. We are looking for energy busters of high intensity for instance plank moguls, squat thrusts and plank jacks as well as reverse plank, push ups and planks which impact the upper body and core. The essence of a plank workout section is to stabilize the hip girdle, upper back and shoulders.
Also used in HIIT workouts at Wimbledon School of Freestyle, Ballroom and Fitness are plyometric movements or power moves. When we jump or hop there is a re-coil action which make them explosive high impact movements where we push off the floor using the power of bounce. We can also incorporate floor exercises into Wimbledon classes lying on back, lying on the side, prone, on all fours or supine. We may use these to exercise glutes, back, hips, abs. The final component is moving from the floor to standing or standing to the floor. This may be a standard burpee, burpee with a jump or simply elevations up and down from the floor to air. Pull ups, push ups, lunges, squats result in a great muscular overload which is muscle strengthening without the need for weights or free weights. Movements at Wimbledon Fitness should be multi-planar and multi-joint. Exercises can be resistance or muscular conditioning exercises. We can evolve moves from lunge to split lunge jump, squat to squat jump, push up to push up with plyometric force. Combining different fitness and exercising methodologies at Wimbledon Fitness can enhance cardio burn, lead to weight loss, healthier lives and happier lives. Our pupils travel to us from places like Earlsfield, Southfields, New Malden, Kingston, Mordon, Merton, Merton Park, Raynes Park, Motspur Park.
It is a fitness programme designed to enhance muscle endurance and strength. This may be done through using weight lifting gym equipment or without. Squats conditions the lower back and core muscles, but adding a jumping element to this or a hop can work of many muscles together and variations on movements could be a tuck jump squat or even a burpee squat jump. A number of squats could be performed alongside high knee sprints, sprint running in situ etc. Faster fitness results at Wimbledon School of Freestyle, Ballroom, Fitness will come from combining many approaches. This is know as Met Com or Metabolic Conditioning. Plyometrics has been proved to be a very effective tool in this approach at Wimbledon School of Freestyle, Ballroom and Fitness. High intensity training can be maintained from around 84-90 MHR before the anaerobic aspect begins. The great thing about plyometrics is its capacity to cause quicker muscular contraction in particular at muscular-tendinous junctions.
Plyometrics also accelerates muscle fibre strength and density. Plyometric movements need speed and explosive power such as burpee to jump. Physiological health benefits of exercise can be achieved by having sufficient repetitions (reps) to force muscular overload and thus lead to temporary muscle fatigue. Pylo moves can be modified for some individuals who may not want to jump. It is important to emphasise that any movement or move can be modified to fit the needs of the individual, any injuries they may have or health needs. I once had a lady turn up at Wimbledon Zumba with a portable oxygen tank and accompanying mask. I did ask if she had her Doctor’s consent to do the class and she said yes.
One important aspect of exercise which impacts exercise sequencing, movement choice and intensity is multi-planar movement. So what do we mean my a plane of movement? Planar movement refers to the direction of the exercise movements and if they are side to side, forward/back, up/down. Wimbledon School of Freestyle, Ballroom and Fitness considers this component in all their exercise programmes and Zumba classes. With Multi-Planar Movement Wimbledon School of Freestyle, Ballroom, Fitness and Zumba participants can use movements in all movement planes so working multi directionally.
1) Frontal Plane where the body is divided front and back. Movement is therefore sideways e.g. stepping to the side, closing the feet, stepping sideways back, closing the feet as in Wimbledon Zumba classes. The associated joint movement is abduction, adduction. Types of Zumba or Wimbledon School of Freestyle, Ballroom and Fitness moves would be side shuffle, side jumps, side squad, side hops.
2) Sagittal Plane dividing body into right and left. Movement is then up and down. Joint movement is extension, Flexion. Zumba and Wimbledon Fitness moves would be split lung jumps, in situ jogging and knee raises.
3) Transverse Plane dividing body bottom and top. Movement becomes rotational. Joint movement horizontal flexion and extension, pronation, supination, external and internal rotation. Wimbledon Zumba or Wimbledon Fitness moves woodchopper, lung incorporation rotation, Z-chopper squat, Zumba torso twist.
These are also known as locomotive movements and travel across some part of the floor with the aim of developing and fine tuning the participant’s spacial orientation. The floor could be seen as a sketch pad in which each set of steps or moves traces a pattern over it. The advantage of spatial movement in Wimbledon Zumba and Wimbledon Fitness classes is they remove the monotony of moves being non-locomotive i.e. on the spot. This will add more opportunity for muscular, cardiovascular and intensity moves. Integrated movement patters will develop neuromuscular co-ordination. Core muscle development helps alignment of body and overall balance.
Also known as ROM, Range of Motion is the degree of efficiency you can move your joints to engage muscles as you enter and exit exercise moves. Without efficient ROM the exerciser cannot use full range of motion which means the benefits of overloading and intense effort are reduced. Another fitness term are levers which are the length of your extremities and torso. These may impact your ROM capacity. Slow exercises often allow time to use fuller ROM and accentuate lever lengthening. Some body weight exercises may risk de-stabilising the joint if performed too fast with added level lengthening such as over accelerated press ups.
Moving the body fast either across the floor, on the spot, as a plyometric move or through multiple planes is know as speed dynamics and is an essential cardio component to develop reaction time, greater agility. The neuromuscular system once trained can learn to react at a faster speed especially in plyometric training methods. Explosive rebound is a feature at Wimbledon Fitness and Zumba and occurs in the eccentric part of the move such as when we jump, the squat or plie preparation into the move is the eccentric phrase priming the hamstrings for the explosive release which is the Plyo segment of movement. When we use a skipping rope with a hop this is an impact move as opposed to a jumping explosive type movement.
(1)Develop fitness variations to increase core fitness elements such as power, endurance, stamina, strength. (2) Create challenging fitness classes by varying muscle demands and the order of moves. (3) Try to use as many muscles as possible in class exercise structure. (4) Sequences of movements to stimulate fitness body elements such as muscle firing, motor skill development. (5)Develop biomechanical elements positively of bodyweight/gravity exercising. (6) Try to use multiple planes of movement. (7) Optimization of body movement.
We seek to encourage good mental health at Wimbledon Zumba and Fitness and allow participants to think of our classes as nurturing and good for their whole well being both mental and physical. The fun element of exercising should induce good moods and a sense of wellbeing. Healthy life styles should be encourages. The needs of the individual should be taken into account and their aims whether that be weight loss, seeking to become fitter or whatever.
How the connective tissue, joints, nerves, muscles form a relationship known as the Kinetic Chain. Kinetic Chain can be subdivided into Open Chain movements and Closed Chain movements. Closed chain movements where we are utilizing the power of our weight necessitate are compound movements. Being both multi joint and multi muscle exercises, the feet and/or hand needs to be constantly in contact with the floor. Exercises such as triceps dips, squat, plank and lunge are closed chain moves. Where freedom of movement is allowed for the limbs then this is called an Open Chain movement like when lifting a kettle bell or dumbbell. Closed chain movements include many plyometric and cardio moves in Wimbledon Fitness programme. These enhance joint stability so reducing risk of injury in fitness and exercise training programmes. Core strength is vital and the effects continue to be felt in our everyday living. Because of the relationship of muscles and joints, correct application of body mechanics is essential. Misalignment occurs when nervous, muscle and skeletal systems are out of balance in working in unison.
Core consists of between 29 and 35 muscles. These are diaphragm, abs, rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques, pelvic floor muscles, multifidus, transverse abdominis. In essence Core runs from shoulder blades to pelvis, comprising scapular girdle, shoulders, torso. Their function is stabilisation. Torso muscles activate to create a static tension. This is bilateral i.e. side to side, and from back to front. This enables us to stand, sit, squat, jump. Weak core or physiological imbalance impacts on closed change moves between anterior and posterior muscles. Core exercises are a combination movement of all these muscles not just abdominal exercises. Active muscles moving our bodies are called Movers. Muscles attached directly to the spine are Stabilizer muscles including those supporting the hip girdle and scapular girdle. We want to avoid stabilization fatigue. Core training will strengthen you for moves like reverse plank or four-legged table.
RATE OF PERCEIVED EXERTION. This is based on a scale of 1-10 and measures how intense the movements are. Breathing is very important in these ranging from normal everyday breathing to breathy and out of breath.
Warm ups at Wimbledon Zumba and Fitness should raise body core temperature and increase cardiac rates. From normal breathing to the edge of breathy. Moves like marching, jogging, knee raises, boxer’s shuffle steps, lunges, cross chops, lifts, squats, planks should be used for a 6 to 8 minute warming up. The gradual lubrication of joints with synovial fluid is vital to prevent injury and avoid muscle overload. 5 minutes plus up down moves can be added like burpees. High impact moves should not be used such as lunge jumps, jumping jacks, high knee runs. Curtsy squats, walking lunges, single leg squats, push ups should also not be used.
We warm up for the following reasons., To lubricate the joints through synovial fluid to safely activate them for more strenuous moves. Increase flow of blood. To raise core body temperature. Activate major muscle groups e.g. hamstrings calf, lower back. Initiate progressive increase in cardio work. Slowly activate joints and muscles for later moves and warm up muscles. Footwork moves, cardio and toning should be used. Progress gradually in range of movement. Fitness industry standards state muscle groups such as deltoids, core, quads, hamstrings, gluteal and hip area, calves, shins, ankles, upper back, mid back, neck area should be considered in any warm up.
Cooldown at Wimbledon Zumba and Fitness lasting five minutes should lead to decrease in fitness intensity either standing or lying on floor. Aim to reduce blood pressure and cardio rate to when you first walked into the exercise gym. Static stretches should be used holding a position for 6 to 11 seconds e.g. bicep stretch. Dynamic stretch uses large global movements to release stress. Ensure people do not feel dizzy when they leave. Make sure everyone has drunk some water during class. Cool down moves can start from the feet to the head or vice versa or combination movements. Everyone should breathe naturally. Ballistic fitness moves should not be included and nothing jerky. Do hold breath. Hyperextensions should be avoided and care should be taken throughout the class for those hyper loose people not to over extend to the point of injury. Cool Downs enable the body to transition from intensity to a near resting condition and allow heart rate to return to normal. Reasons for cool down include decreasing body temperature, not allowing a sudden stop from intensity that may result in nausea, cramping or dizziness due to blood pooling. Static stretch of muscles for flexibility plus to avoid cramp. Movement from big muscle .movements to small ones.
These are also know as up/downs. They are transitional links between floor based and standing moves. These are muscular conditioning moves which can have elements of cardio exercise between them. Plank walkout to floor from upright position allows heart rate to drop at an appropriate segment of the exercise sequence.
For muscle conditioning basic plank can be used. For cardio Plank Jacks. For power Plank Burpee. For interval training Plank Ski Moguls. Reverse Plank for strength. LUNGE. Normal lunge, curtsy lunge, back/front lunge can be used for muscle conditioning. Scissor switches for cardio work, Plyo Jump for interval training, Split Jump Lunge for power, Deep knee lift in Single Leg Squat movement position for strength. Traveling Push Push Up Plank. Tempo Push Ups. Rocking Plank. Forearm Plank to Pike Flow. Plank to Knee Tuck to Pike. Slow Mountain Climbers in Plank. Lunges and Planks are important moves at Wimbledon Fitness and Zumba in our fitness workout health programmes.
For muscle conditioning lifts we could use knee lifts alternating. For power moves side kick flicks incorporating a hopping action i.e. elevation of one foot from and back to the exercise training floor. For cardio conditioning knee lifts to side continuous. For strength training raising knee in deep squat position. Squat variations starting with normal squat for muscle conditioning. Strength training single leg squat. Interval training tuck jump squat. Power training squat jump. Cardio jacks in squat. Squats and Lifts are core components in some of our fitness programmes at Wimbledon Fitness and Zumba.
Instructors should use observation skills to ensure fitness customers pupils are not overexerting. Signs of this include feeling dizzy or sick, issues with balance, observable disorientation, pain in joints, repeated stopping and starting again with no obvious cause, becoming red in the face or exhibiting paleness. Make sure all fitness customers are breathing in a reasonable normal way for the stage of the class. No holding breaths. No hyper-extension beyond a normal range.
Plank Cross Kicks, Crunch Plank, L-Ups, Russian Twist, Forearm Side Plank, Plank Walk to Push Up, Prone Back Extensions, Boxers Shuffle to Bob N Weave, Ski Moguls to Squat, Football Run, Surf Burpee, Frog Jump to Lunge, Knee Raise Rotation, Hop Hop Scotch move, Scissor Switch, Squat in Jack, Jumping Jack, Cardio March to Football Run, Knee Lift to Squat, V Step, Plie Squat, Crunch, Mountain Climber, Squat Jack, Front knee raise to Runner’s Lunge, Burpee, Skaters, Grapevine to Knee Raises, Curtsy Lunge, Core Rotation Chopper, Plank Walkout to Plank Jacks.
CARDIO FITNESS MARCH MOVES: Butt kicks, Skaters, V-Step, Jogging in place, Marching in place. Football run using fast feet. Low kicks fast. Skater Move using Runner Arms, Opposite Toe Touch, Touching Floor, Free Arm. Power skipping. Capoeira Ginga move. Suicides. Add Arms with various punches in many directions. High Knee March with hop or skip incorporating arm circles. High Knees with claps above head. High Knees with Resistance Push Down. Hand Clap under knees. Hop Scotch Forward, Run Back. Forward and Backward runs adding Squat Jump or heel click. Single Leg Hop. Skater with free foot or foot touching floor. Skater Lateral or Vertical. Skater with Opposite toe touch. Skater with two arms up or into Side Lunge with double pulse.
CARDIO FITNESS NEUTRAL. Boxing punches, Bob n Weave, Boxer’s Shuffle, Jumping Rope, Jumping Jacks elementary. Boxing punches with uppercut, hook, archer cross, jab, jab/cross. Lateral Side Jumps or Leaps. Samba Lunge. Scissor Switches. Four Square Jump. Jump, Jump, Knee. Jab/Cross with Knee Lift. Archer Cross with Rotation. Travel Jab Punch. Two Jacks Kick.
STATIONARY LUNGE. Front Lunge. Rear Lunge. Runners Lunge. Stationary Lunge. Stationary Pulse Lunge. Knee Raise to Rear Lunge. Rear Lunge with Rotation. Side Lunge. Rear Lunge. Reverse Lunge to Front Kick. Lunge Jump. Z Chopper with Rear Lunge. Z Chopper with Side Lunge. Front Kick Side Lunge. Oblique Crunch Side Lunge. Curtsey Lunge Pulse. Side Lunge with Oblique Crunch. Knee Lift to Rear Lunge with Runner Arms. Forward Lunge Grab. Knee lift to Rear Lung with Runner Arm Hop. Knee lift to Rear Lung with Tap the Ground.
SQUAT. Basic Squat. Traverse Squat. Squat Jack. Squat Burpee. Sumo Squat. Plie Squat. Front Kick Squat. Prisoner Squat. Z Chopper in Squat. Wood Chopper. Side Squat shuffle. Pulse Squat. Squat Knee Lift with Chop. Traverse Squat. Squat with Front Kick. Squat Burpee with our without Push up. Squat to Single Leg Knee Hop. Squat and Rotate. Squat Rotate syncopated. Pulse Squat Jump. Squat Knee Lift with Chop Hop. Squat and Heel Lift. Side Squat Jump. Side Squat Jump Shuffle. Sumo Squat to Plank. Sumo Squat Pulses. Sumo Squat rotation with punches. Heel Lifts in Plie Squat. Plie Squat with pulses. Plie Squat Jumps. Air Squat Jump with cross feet Jacks. In and Out Squat Jump.
LIFTS. Knee Lifts, Hamstring Curls, Kicks to front, back, side. Knee Lifts. Leg Lifts. Bird Dog using alternative leg and arms in dog position. Knee Lift Repeaters. Swimming in prone position. Hip Extension Prone for glutes. Prone Hip Extensions for glutes. Glute Kicks or Donkey Kicks. Superman in prone position. Knee Lift Repeater. Single Side Deep Knee raise. Side Flicks with a Hop.
PLANK. Push Up. Plank to Pike Flow. Pendulum Plank. Mountain Climbers Plank. Forearm Plank. Knee Drive Plank. Spiderman Push Up. Knee Push Up to Plank. Forearm Plank to Side Forearm Plank. Plank Walkouts from standing position. Plank to Side Plank. Plank Burpee. Triceps Push Up. Spiderman Push Up i.e. same knee to same elbow. Pike Push Up. Uneven Push Up. Plank to Pike Flow. Plank with Knee Drive. Plank Hand Taps. Plank Jacks. Plank Burpee. Plank Squat Thrust. Cross Body Mountain Climbers in Plank. Glue Kicks in Plank. Plank Supine Triceps Dips. Plank Supine 4-legged Table. Plank Supine 4-legged Table with Alt Leg Kicks or Tri-dips or with Leg Extension. Plank Supine Reverse Plank. Plant Supine Crab Walk. Wide to Narrow Push Up. Travelling Push Push Up. Diamond Push Up. I Leg Push Up. Hip Drops Side to Side in Forearm Plank. Rocking Plank. Plank to Pike with leg extended in Piker. Opposite Shoulder Taps in Plank or Opposite Knee Taps or Foot Taps. Side Plank with Knee Bent. Side Plank thread the needle rotation. Plank Walkout with added hop or jump in standing. Reverse Plank with Bicycle Legs, Reverse Plank with Tri Dips, Reverse Plank hip drop and leg raise. Reverse Plank with alternative leg lifts. Reverse Plank with Single Leg Lift then lower.
Basic Push Up. Spiderman Push Up same knee to same elbow. Plank with knee drive. Basic Push Up. Triceps Push Up. Knee Push Up to Plank. Pike Push Up. Uneven Push Up hand on same side or alternate side. Plank to Pike Flow. Plank Up Downs. Forearm Plank. Side Plank feet stacked. Plank with Pendulum Leg Swings. Plank Hand taps. Plank to Side Plank. Inchworm in Plank. Supine Plank with Triceps Dips, Bridge, Four Legged Table, Reverse Plank. Tempo Push Ups. Diamond Push Up. Plank Shooter child’s pose to plank. Knee Drive to midline between arms, same side, to opposite elbow. Hip Drops side to side in Forearm Plank. Plank to Pike leg extended in pike. Plank to Knee Tuck to Pike with leg extended in Pike. Forearm Plank to Pike Flow. Taps in Plank with opposite shoulder, opposite hip taps, opposite taps in Plank, foot taps in Plank. Side Plank with Hip Drop, Leg Circles, Leg Lift or Knee Bent, Forearm or Regular Side Plank with front and back kicks, Side Plank Pull Ins, Side Plank Thread Needle Rotation. Tempo Push Ups, Diamond Push Ups, Knee Push Up with one leg extended. Plank Shooter with out without Push Up Child’s Pose to Plank. Knee Drive to same side shoulder. Knee Drive to midline between arms. Knee Drive to opposite elbow. Opposite Shoulder Taps, Opposite Hip Taps, Opposite Knee Taps, Opposite Foot Taps. Side Plank leg circles, lifted leg, hip drop, Regular Plank with Front Back Kicks.
Reverse Crunch. Elementary Abs Crunch. Russian Twist fully seated or half roll up or from supine. Half Roll Up to ‘C’ Position. Sit Up. Boat Pose with bent knees and/or extended. Rotation Twist. Bicycle pumping with feet. Crunch Combination reverse and basic at same time. Knee Drops. Toe Taps. Punches in half roll up. Leg Lifts from Half Roll Up. Boat Pose on arm sweeps or legs extended or with arms extended overhead. Ab Crunch with rotation twists, crunch and punch, crunch with knee tuck, crunch with horizontal scissors, crunch with vertical scissors, scissors punch, twist up up, L-Ups, Crunch Extension.
Fire Hydrant on all fours. Cobra in Prone Position. Bird Dog with alternative legs and arms on all fours. Superman in Prone Position,. Back Extension in prone feet down. Swimming in prone position. Hip Extension prone for glutes. Glute Kicks single leg as donkey kicks all fours. Pike. Clam Shell on side. Side lying leg straight or bent. Diagonal Bird Dog. Back Extension with Rear Fly Lifts, Breaststroke Arms. Hip Extension to V. Pike to Low Lunge. Pike to Serpent Hip Drop.
LOCOMOTION TERMINOLOGY Dictionary Wimbledon Zumba and Fitness.
WALK: Transference of weight from foot to foot with one foot always off the ground.
RUN. Like walking but both feet are in the air.
HOP. To elevate from the floor on one foot and land on same foot or moving hops along floor.
CHASSE. Three step movement in any direction and is composed of a step, close, step movement.`
JUMP. Both feet elevate off floor and you land on both feet at the same time along floor or on spot.
GALLOP. Step together step by sliding one foot forward, close with other foot. Same foot always leading.
SLIDE. Sideways Gallop.
SKIP. Syncopated walking step with hop.
STRIDE. Stretched Sideways Run extending each leg more than in a normal run.
SPIN. Rotation of body turning to right or left and can be executed moving along floor or on spot.
TURN. Revolving move incorporating two or more steps.
SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER TURN. 3 Step turn to left or right.
SPRING. To rise into the air from one foot landing on the other.
SCISSORS LEAP. Jumping forward in the air in splits position and then reversing this.
SCISSORS KICK. Stepping forward onto left foot or right foot and high kick to front followed by high kick on other foot with both feet elevating and passing each other in air.
LEAP. Hop backwards or forwards with one leg outstretched. Elevate on one foot and land on the other.
NON-LOCOMOTIVE TERMINOLOGY Wimbledon Zumba and Fitness.
CBMP. Contra Body Movement Position Move is where one foot is extended across the path of the other as opposed to CBM or Contra Body Movement where the body turns towards the moving foot.
PLIE. Bending and straightening of Knees. Heels can be released from floor.
KNEE LIFTS. To lift the knee from the knee joint. Foot can be pointed or flexed.
SQUAT SPLIT. One leg extended back and one leg extended forward in Squat position.
RUNNING MAN HOP STEP. Hop skipping back, other foot forward. Repeat on other side.
STATIONARY RUNS. Runs performed on the spot.
CRISS CROSS JUMPS. Execute low jump to end with left foot in front of right. Perform another low jump to have feet parallel to side of each other. Repeat on other side.
SAFETY TIPS. Watch for stacked joints so knees over ankles, hips over knees in context. Watch for hyperextension or over extension. Avoid torques in knees.

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